Frog Systems builds bespoke wellbeing streaming service for GRAHAM

Award-winning, national construction and development company, GRAHAM, has launched a bespoke version of Frog Systems’ wellbeing streaming service to support its employees and suppliers. With bespoke branding and incorporating GRAHAM’s internally generated content, the company’s employees, their families, and supply chain partners will have access to a digital safe space featuring 16 channels of preventative…

Panelists at Behind the Lines conference

Behind the Lines

The impact of recreational drug use on society and the workplace Frog Systems, in partnership with City, University of London and the Metropolitan Police, was delighted to co-host a half day conference at the RSA, London on Tuesday 26 March. Titled ‘Behind the Lines’ the conference, focused on the impact of recreational drug use on…

Nick Kuenssberg OBE FRSE

Nick Kuenssberg OBE FRSE

We’re heartbroken to hear the news of the passing of our director, former chair, mentor and friend Nick Kuenssberg. Nick had been involved with Frog Systems since 2015, and was still actively engaged with the company right up until his death on Sunday 1 October. Nick was one of life’s good guys. He was generous…

Example rail of offers, benefits and discounts on ASHIA

Frog Systems chooses Bupp as Ashia benefits partner

Wellbeing streaming service provider adds offers to Ashia platform Frog Systems has further expanded its wellbeing support for employees by partnering with the Bupp membership programme to offer regular discounts to users of its streaming service Ashia. Employees whose companies subscribe to Ashia will receive money off everyday items and treats, without having to earn…

Man sharing own lived experience with colleagues

Why senior leaders should share their lived experience

Historically company leaders have had to be the strongest person on the team, leading the way no matter how difficult the economic situation is, showing no vulnerability. This toxic approach dominated the corporate agenda, seeping down through the management layers to the rest of the workforce. But change is happening. In recent years senior leaders…

Free Ashia Trial for 30 days

Experience the power of Ashia FREE for 30 Days

Ashia®, which means life and hope in Arabic, focuses on using the power of the lived experience to help users understand how others have got through difficult times, what can impact their mental health and wellbeing, and how they can take steps to improve it. As a full streaming service, Ashia contains 1000’s of videos,…

Breaking down workplace barriers and taboos

How to break down workplace wellbeing taboos

No matter where you look on social media these days, people are sharing their lived experience of poor mental health and other life challenges. However, when it comes to the workplace, there is still a reluctance to be as open about what we might be going through with our work colleagues and our employer for…